Daehyeon Choi Incoming M.S. Student @ KAIST, C.S

My Selfie
I am Daehyeon Choi, Master student in KAIST, starting from Spring, 2025. I am a member of KAIST Visual & AI Group, advised by Professor Minhyuk Sung.
Previously, I recevied a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree at POSTECH, 2025. I was an Intern in GenGenAI and Meissa Planet. And, I was an undergraduate intern in SNU, POSTECH, and KAIST. Thanks to them, I was able to drastically revolutionize my skills.
Currently, I am interested in Generative Model, especially Image Synthesis and Editing leveraging pre-trained large-scale model's prior.

Contact Info: Email / Linkedin / CV
Articles (as a reporter of The Postech Times): Link

Recent News

(Feb. 7th) I finally earned my Bachelor of Science degree from POSTECH.

(Dec. 2nd) I won Donggyo Talent Fellowship, funded by Surim Foundation.

(Oct. 30th) I will start my M.S. course in KAIST, department of Computer Science. And I will be advised by professor Minhyuk Sung, in Visual AI Group.

(Sep. 12th) InstantDrag is accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2024, Tokyo.
I participated as a 2nd author, and it is my first paper work!

(Jun. 24th) I will work as an Intern at GenGenAI. I'm really excited to share it!


[1] InstantDrag: Improving Interactivity in Drag-based Image Editing (SIGGRAPH Asia 2024)
Joonghyuk Shin, Daehyeon Choi, Jaesik Park
InstantDrag InstantDrag performs drag-edits in about a second requiring minimal inputs and memory.
Project Page / Code / Arxiv

Research Interests

Generative Model, Image Synthesis, Image Editing


Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), (Spring, 2025)
- Master Student, Dept. of Computer Science
- Graduate Student in Visual & AI Group. KAIST

Seoul National University, (Spring, 2024)
- Exchange Student, Dept. of Electronic & Computer Engineering
- Research Intern @ Visual & Geometric Intelligence Lab. SNU

Pohang Institute of Science & Technology (POSTECH), (2021 - 2024)
- Bachelor Student, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (GPA: 3.85/4.30)

Jeonbuk Scicence High School, (2019 - 2020)
- 4 semesters Early Graduation

Work Experiences

Algorithm Engineer Intern, GenGenAI. (Jun. 2024 ~ Aug. 2024)
- Verification and analysis of synthetic-data based training (Multi-class classification)
- Based on Stable Diffusion, Synthetic data generation in specific case

Research Intern, Meissa Planet. (Jun. 2023 ~ Aug. 2023)
- In Research Team, Satelite Analysis with Deep learning, especially Semantic Change Detection

Research Experiences

Undergraduate Research Intern, Visual AI Group @ KAIST. (Jun. 2024 ~ Aug. 2024)
- Diffusion Models, 3D-aware Editing
- Under the supervision by Prof. Minhyuk Sung

Undergraduate Research Intern, VGI Lab @ SNU. (Oct. 2023 ~ Jun. 2024)
- Diffusion Models, Drag Editing
- Participated to InstantDrag Project.
- Under the supervision by Prof. Jaesik Park

Undergraduate Research Intern, MIP Lab @ POSTECH. (Sep. 2023 ~ Dec. 2023)
- CSED499A (Graduation Research Project), Brain Tumor Segmentation via Noised Multi-level Wavelet Feature Extraction
- Under the supervision by Prof. Wonhwa Kim

Undergraduate Research Intern, CV Lab @ POSTECH. (Sep. 2022 ~ Feb. 2023)
- Generative Adversarial Networks
- Under the supervision by Prof. Jaesik Park

Award & Scholarships (Selected)

Donggyo Talent Fellowship, Silver Prize, Surim Foundation. (Dec. 2024)
- 1,000,000 KRW
- Outstanding 25 undergrads who have greatly contributed to the promotion and development of the university's honor by their excellent achievements.

In Jae Rim Scholarships, Korea Foundation For Advanced Studies (KFAS). (Jan. 2024 ~ Current)
- 4,000,000 KRW per semester
- Completed programs: Imagine to Change, SK FLP Mentoring, Conflict Resolution, SOUL Project.

Tae–Jun Park Alumni Scholarships, POSTECH Alumni Foundation. (Oct. 2023)
- 3,000,000 KRW

Global Leadership Program Fellowship, CSE, POSTECH. (2022F, 2023S, 2023F)
- (2022F, 2023S) 3,000,000 KRW
- (2023F) 8,000,000 KRW at maximum, Under the supervision by Prof. Wonhwa Kim

Grand Prize(1st), Undergraduate Group Research Program, POSTECH. (Feb. 2023)
- 4,000,000 KRW

STX Scholarships, STX Foundation, (Jan. 2023 ~ Current)
- 500,000 KRW per month & All tuition Fees

Jigok Scholarships, POSTECH, (Feb. 2021 ~ Dec. 2022)
- All tuition Fees